U.P. Lion's Farm to School Survey 
Please complete this survey to the best of your ability, the information collected will help create future resources to ensure resilient food systems for U.P. communities.  For questions, ideas, or comments please contact May Tsupros (may@partridgecreekfarm.org).
Email *
1. Name *
2. Phone Number  *
3. Zip Code *
4. Which Lion's Club are you affiliated with? OR what other club/ organization are you affiliated with?
5. Do you have any of the following in your community? (select all the apply) 
6. If you selected any of the above categories, please provide details about what stage of development these programs are in? (ie. well established, just an idea, a few years of progress, etc) 
7. Please select categories in which you would like support and/or training. (Select all that apply)
8. Would your community be able to pay for you or others to attend trainings like the ones listed above?
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9. What are the barriers to starting programs like these in your community?
10. If applicable, please list any community partners, organizations, or individuals who are involved or who you believe would be interested in being involved in your community garden, compost, or farm to school initiative below:
Thank you so much for your time! Please feel free to add any additional information in the space below and reach out to May@partridgecreekfarm.org if you have further questions about farm to school and community gardens OR Phil@partridgecreekcompost.org for questions about compost.
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