The NeuroKidz Volunteer Application
Thank you for expressing your interest in NeuroKidz, dedicated to bringing neuroscience and STEAM to underrepresented elementary schools. If you're a high schooler interested in joining our team, please fill out this form honestly and to the best of your abilities. We anticipate reading your responses!

For more information, please visit our website: or email us at
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Name *
First and last name
Email *
Phone number *
School *
City, State, Country *
Are you applying as part of an existing chapter? If so, which one?
Grade *
Please select from the following you can help with:
How much time per week can you commit to volunteer for The NeuroKidz? Please keep in mind that teaching will be right after school on weekdays.
Clear selection
Why do you want to be part of the Neurokidz?
What experience do you have in neuroscience or STEAM in general?
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