LGBTQIA+ research questionnaire 
This questionnaire is meant to provide data for the early stages of a research project focused on exploring the relationship between religious upbringing/beliefs and mental health. All the information collected is kept completely anonymous and is only going to be used for this project. Thank you. 
***Trigger Warning*** there are a few questions that deal with suicidal thoughts/suicide so if those are topics that you are sensitive to, please do not proceed! 
***There are recourses to help you if you are struggling. If you or someone you know is struggling, there will be a link to a 24/7 LGBTQ+ hotline if you need help or just need to talk to someone. Know that there are people there for you and that you are not alone and are loved and important! 
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What religion were you raised in?
How do you identify within the LGBTQIA+ community (if you are comfortable sharing)?
What country are you from?
What is your age range?
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What was the general attitude around the LGBTQIA+ community in the religion you were raised in?
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Did you/would you feel safe to come out to your family and/or friends? 
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Did you/do you feel alienated or "othered" because of your sexual orientation/gender identity in religious settings? 
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Because of the way your religion made you feel about your sexual orientation/gender identity, have you experienced mental health struggles ? 
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Have you experienced aggressions or micro-aggressions surrounding sexuality/gender identity while attending religious events or meetings?
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Have you ever had suicidal thoughts because of the way your religion made you feel about your sexuality/gender identity?
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If you answered "yes" to the previous question, have you attempted suicide because of those same reasons?
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Are you still a member/participant of the religion you were raised in?
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Did being raised religious hurt you more than it helped you?
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Are you currently religious or hold religious beliefs? 
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