2025-2026 Admissions Application
This form serves as an enrollment application for the 2025-2026 school year

Please be thorough and thoughtful in your answers as it better helps us understand your family's hopes and visions of an early childhood program. 

Once your preliminary application is received, you will be entered into our lottery for the coming school year. 

Please note that prospective families who are already a part of the Clark Farm community through a CSA share and families currently enrolled in Community Farm School will receive first priority in our lottery system.  

All applications received by January 1st will be entered into the lottery. The order in which they are received holds no significance. 

*If you are hoping to enroll siblings, please use one form per family. Siblings will be enrolled together as space allows. 

Thank you for your interest in Community Farm School. We are looking forward to learning more about our prospective community. 

Key Dates:
    •    Re-Enrollment Decisions from current families are due on December 15, 2024.
    •    On January 1st we will begin accepting families from our waitlist (The submission of this application form and your application check will add you to our waitlist.)

Tours and Open House: 
CFS is hosting an open house on Sunday, December 8th at 11AM. You may RSVP to this event by emailing jenna.hull@communityfarmschool.com. 

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Email *
Child(ren)'s Full Name(s) *
Child's Birthdate *
Second Child's Birthdate (optional)
Children's age on September 1st 2025. *Please answer with year and month. For example, 3.7 would be three years, seven months. *
Parent/Guardian's Full name. Please list both, if applicable.  *
Parent/Guardian's Full Address *
Parent/Guardian(s) email address(es) 

*This is where we will send your acceptance and proposed schedule if you are chosen in our lottery system.
Are you a member of Clark Farm's CSA?  *
Are you a currently enrolled CFS family?  *
What are your hopes and dreams for your child(ren)'s early childhood school experience? 
How many days are you hoping to enroll your child at CFS?  

*Please remember, we will do what we can to give everyone their ideal schedules, but we may need to make some adjustments in order to make the most cohesive schedule for all. 
Would you be interested in enrolling your child in the extended day program from 1PM-3PM? 
CFS is a school that spends most program hours outside and enrollment comes with a specific required gear list so children can be comfortable and safe in all weather. 

*We understand that proper outdoor gear is an expensive investment.  We will do all we can to fundraise and/or collect gently used items to help with these upfront costs. However, as a new school, our supplies and financial assistance are limited.

*CFS is a registered outdoor school and this grants our community access to discounts at certain brands. This information will be made available to enrolled families. 
Please send a $50 application fee via check to the following address: 

Community Farm School
185 Concord Street
Carlisle, MA 01741

**This application fee will go towards a sponsored CSA share for the school. 

**Currently enrolled families are not required to send an application fee. 
Please add your full name as an electronic signature. *
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