Parent / Guardian - PowerSchool Portal Request Form

This form is to request access to your child/children's student information on the Moore County Schools' PowerSchool Parent Portal. Parent/Guardian PowerSchool Portal logins will only be given to a parent or legal guardian as listed in the student's demographic information in PowerSchool. You must read the MCS Parent Portal Acceptable Use Agreement ( and agree to abide by and support the expectations. In order to protect the confidentiality of the student records, all parent/guardians who want to use this service are required to fill out this form and provide a picture ID for verification. You may email a photocopy of your picture ID or bring your picture ID to your child's school.

If you have children at more than one school, a request form must be completed and photo ID submitted at each school.
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Parent/Guardian Last Name (one per form) *
Parent/Guardian First Name (one per form) *
Parent/Guardian Middle Initial
Parent/Guardian Home Address - Street *
Parent/Guardian Home Address - City, State, Zip *
Parent/Guardian Email Address *
*Please note: School Information may be sent to this email address. If this information is different than the current record, it will be updated to reflect this information.
Parent/Guardian Phone Number *
*Please note: If this information is different than the current record, it will be updated to reflect this information.
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