2024 HARLEM WEEK Internship and Scholarship Form 
Your application MUST be received on or before Friday, July 26, 2024 and include the following:
1.Two(2) letters of recommendation. No more than one from a relative.
2.Your High School and/or CollegeTranscript.
3. A letter of acceptance and/or copy of college application.
4. Please write a brief essay of 150 words or less answering “Why HARLEMWEEK scholarship or summer internship is important to you."
On a separate sheet of paper
5. Please write a brief essay of 150 words or less indicating your purpose and goals in attending college or something unique about you that would make you a good HARLEMWEEK summer intern.
(Attach both essays to your application.)
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Internship/Scholarship Selection Criteria 
  1. All Applicants must have a MINIMUM 2.50 OR ABOVE GPA. 
  2. Internships/Scholarships are available to the following: graduating high school seniors, GED certificate recipients, trade school applicants, graduating adults, current college students entering graduate school and adults pursuing a first time degree. 
  3. Applicants must submit 2 letters of recommendation
  4. Preference will be give to applicants who have or are demonstrating community involvement. 
  5. Applicants requesting scholarship/internships must provide the Committee with evidence of their acceptance to an institution of higher learning or where they are currently enrolled. 
  6. Our college scholarship/internship financial assistance may be utilized by the student for tuition and/or any other expenses associated with student's needs i.e. books, clothing, educational equipment, travel, etc.
Please carefully answer ALL questions. RETURN completed scholarship/internship application must be received on or before Friday, July 26th 2024.
Incomplete application will NOT  be considered. PRINT CLEARLY.
Applicant's Name *
Date of Birth *
Address  *
City, State, Zip *
Home Phone
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