Dream Con 2024 Event Feedback Survey
Thank you for attending Dream Con 2024. We couldn't do this without you! Please take a moment to share your feedback on your overall experience. This will help us bring even better events in the future!
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Email (optional)
How did you hear about this event?
If selected "Other," please specify:
How many times have you attended Dream Con? *
Why did you choose to attend our event and what were you hoping to take away from the experience?
Overall, how would you rate your experience at Dream Con 2024?
Please provide any necessary explanations for your ratings:
How likely are you to participate next year?
Not at all likely
Extremely likely
Please provide any necessary explanations for your ratings:
How well did using GrowTix/LEAP Conventions to purchase admissions badges and event tickets meet your expectations? Was it..? *
A lot worse than expected
A lot better than expected
Please provide any necessary explanations for your ratings of GrowTix/LEAP Conventions:

How well did using the Dream Con Mobile App to engage with attendees meet your expectations? was it ...?
A lot worse than expected
A lot better than expected
Clear selection
How well did using the Dream Con Mobile App to customize our schedule meet your expectations? was it ...?
A lot worse than expected
A lot better than expected
Clear selection
Please provide any necessary explanations for your ratings of the Dream Con Mobile App: 
How well did using the Dream Con Mobile App to find information meet your expectations? was it ...?
A lot worse than expected
A lot better than expected
Clear selection
Please provide any necessary explanations for your ratings of the Dream Con Mobile App:

How well did using the Dream Con Website meet your expectations? was it ...?
A lot worse than expected
A lot better than expected
Clear selection
Please provide any necessary explanations for your ratings of the Dream Con Website:

How well did using the social media to engage Dream Con meet your expectations? was it ...? *
A lot worse than expected
A lot better than expected
Please provide any necessary explanations for your ratings of the Dream Con's collective social media platforms:

How well did the event meet your expectations? Was it...?
A lot worse than expected
A lot better than expected
How likely are you to recommend this event to someone else?
Not at all likely
Extremely likely
What were your favorite aspects of this year's event?
In the table below, please indicate the extent to which you were satisfied with the following aspects of the event:
Not at all satisfied
A little satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Very satisfied
Extremely satisfied
Geographic Location
Dates of event
Overall Price of the Event
Pre-event Badge Purchases
On-site Registration
Organization of Event
Selection of Talent
Exhibit Hall
Gaming Hall
Gaming Tournaments
Types of Premier Events
Quality of Panels & Sessions
Types of Panel Content/Topics
Cosplay Contest & Runway Show
Types of Lounges
Friday Official After Party
Saturday Official After Party
Official Merchandise
Please provide any necessary explanations for your ratings:
If applicable, how satisfied were you with the networking opportunities provided?
Not at all satisfied
Extremely satisfied
Did you participate in the Dream Job Hunt Career Fair initiative?
If yes, rate your experience with Dream Job Hunt on a scale from 1-5: *
Not at all satisfied
Extremely satisfied
Did you attend the YouTube Lounge? *
If yes, what day(s) did you attend? Select all that apply *
If you attended the YouTube Lounge, how satisfied were you with the lounge? *
Please provide any necessary explanations for your ratings on the YouTube Lounge:
What is your YouTube Account User Name? (PLEASE type your account name correctly).

If you do not have a YouTube Account or would not like to list your account, just put N/A.
Please provide any necessary explanations for your ratings/additional feedback.
In the table below,  indicate the extent to which you were satisfied with the Official Dream Con Merchandise: *
Not at all satisfied
A little satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Extremely satisfied
Price point overall
Use of pre-ordering items
Variety of items
Quality of items
Sizing options
Unisex options
Store Location
Store Hours
Premium Badge Discount
Please provide any necessary explanations for your ratings of the Dream Con Merchandise:
What did you like most about Dream Con 2024 and why?
What did you like least about Dream Con 2024 and why?
What topics would you like to see more of at our next event?
What would have made Dream Con 2024 even better?
Is there anything else you’d like to share about the event or want us to know?
Where do you watch most of your content? *
If you are a content creator/streamer, where do you create content? *
Our sponsors Twitch will be digitally giving out permanent Dream Con Twitch Badges. 

What is your Twitch Account? (PLEASE type your account name correctly. This is the only way to receive your permanent Dream Con Twitch digital badge). 

If you do not have a Twitch Account or would not like to list your account, just put N/A.

NOTE:  This offer will expire on Friday, August 30th 2024. If you already completed the survey prior to that date but have not received your badge please contact info@dreamconvention.com on or before Friday, September 6th at 11:59pm CST for technical assistance. Beyond that date customer support will no longer troubleshoot such scenarios.  
What is your age? *
Please select all races/ethnicities with which you identify: *
If applicable, please select which gender you most closely identify with: *
Self- Describe:
Where did you travel from? *
What state/country did you travel from, specifically? *
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