Conmar Live 2025 DM
Thank you for being willing to DM for Conmar LiveĀ  2025!
We are striving to provide a variation of games both in tier and length. As such, the schedule will accommodate 2 hour and 4 hour slots, with the possibility of combining some of them for a 6 hour game with a break.

Also, there will of course be the epic, organised by our experienced epic master Amie Potter (snooze). The epic title is yet to be confirmed, but to accommodate new AL players it will include lower tier tables.

You can DM any AL-legal adventure that you want. If you don't own any adventures that you want to run we are happy to provide adventures from
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When are you available to DM? (note, some of these overlap due to various length)
How many games are you willing to DM?
What languages are you comfortable with DMing in?
Any requests, information, adjustments? There will be one quiet room available, and depending on the number of participants we will spread out the tables as much as possible.
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