EDA NM Rainforest University Center - Common Digital Asset Business Risks
Complete this assessment to receive credit for viewing the July 26, 2022 New Mexico Rainforest EDA University Center Seminar, "Common Digital Asset Business Risks" by Joe Pitluck. This quiz is based on both the seminar and the handouts. Handouts are available at NMRainforest.com
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1. What are the defining aspects of a digital asset? Check all that apply. *
2. True or False? A bank can qualify as a digital asset company. *
3. List the three unique risks faced by digital asset businesses. *
4. What is the definition of compliance risk often faced by digital asset companies? *
5. What is a simple summation of transactional/operational risk? *
6.  True or False? The digital asset industry is still largely unregulated. *
7. Please briefly explain what the common phrase "not your keys, not your crypto" means. *
8. True or False? Should digital asset companies hold traditional bank accounts? *
9. What is the main goal of the Responsible Financial Innovation Act? *
10. Please list two ways digital asset businesses can help foster a culture of compliance. *
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