SkillBuilder Fall 2023 Session(s) Registration
The Wellness Center wants to thank you for your interest in attending our SkillBuilder sessions listed below:

103 - Stressed? It's Not Your Fault! Learn Why and How to Manage It

This workshop is for audiences who are already familiar with the concept of self-care and why it's important to practice. This presentation looks at stress from a variety of different angles, including how our brain functions, Imposter Syndrome, and how stress negatively affects our health and thinking.  Participants will learn multiple self-care solutions that directly reduce or help to manage the stress of life.

**All events are for registered UIC Students.

If you have any questions and or concerns, please direct them to

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First and Last Name *
UIC email address *
**We will send Zoom link and information using your UIC email if applicable**
Which session(s) are you registering for? *
Select year in school. *
How did you learn about this event? *
Any questions you would like to ask the Presenter/Panelist (if applicable)?
What SkillBuilder topics would you like to see us offer?
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