I am considered an equal partner with teachers and other professionals in planning my child's program.
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My concerns and recommendations were documented on the IEP.
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Special Education Services are helping my child to progress.
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School staff encourage me to participate in the decision-making .
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School staff encourage me to participate in the decision-making .
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School staff help me understand the Procedural Safeguards.
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Special education staff communicate regularly with me about my child's progress on IEP goals.
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Special education staff explain what parents can do if they disagree with a placement or service.
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Special education teachers make accommodations and modifications as indicated on my child's IEP.
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I know what accommodations/modifications are implemented for my child
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I know who provides all the services listed on my child's IEP.
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I am satisfied with my child's IEP goals and educational services.
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Transitions are well planned as my child moves from one grade level to another.
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I would like to attend seminars in the following content areas:
Please write other topics you want to learn about:
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