Turning Red Part 2:
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1. When can Mei-lin do the ceremony to stop becoming a panda? *
1 point
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2. What does Mei-lin think about to stay calm and NOT become the panda? *
1 point
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3. Who calls Mei-lin's mother to tell her they will help to change Mei-lin back? *
1 point
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4. How do Mei-lin and her friends plan to get the money to go to see 4-town? *
1 point
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5. Meilin's enemy, Tyler, wants to pay her to.... *
1 point
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6. On the night Mei-lin will help Tyler, she can't go out because... *
1 point
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7. The girls find out Abby made a big mistake! What did she do? *
1 point
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