Alabama World Languages Association  
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Annual Conference
February 2-3, 2018
Mobile, Alabama

Conference Proposal Form 2018
Theme:  Sweet Home Alabama: Language and Community
Please note: the Program Committee will give preference to proposals that show how community is shaping language learning and teaching.  Presentations can be given in target language; title and abstract must be submitted in English for the sake of the program.
Title (10 word max) *
Type the title exactly as you wish it to appear in the conference program. The title is case sensitive.
Abstract/Description for Program (40 word max) [include the purpose and expected outcomes of the proposal] *
Be sure this is written professionally as it may appear AS IS in the program.  Please pay attention to detail (grammar, spelling, capitalization, etc) in this abstract. Submissions written in 1st person, incomplete proposals, etc. will be automatically rejected and not evaluated for the program.  See rubric posted at 
Any additional information to be shared with the Program Committee (25 word max)
Presentation Methods (example: discussion, slides, game, lecture, etc.) *
Audience level (check all that apply) *
Select the best category to describe your content *
Language(s) of presentation *
Presenter(s): First Name, Last Name (Institution) *
If multiple presenters, please list corresponding presenter first.
Corresponding Presenter's Contact Email(s) *
Please include main email address and an alternate email address.
Corresponding Presenter's Contact Phone Number *
Which format are you interested in? *
50-minute sessions are designed for one or more presenters who discuss a proposed topic. 50-minute panels are designed to encourage discussion among 3-5 presenters (typically from different institutions, and may include a mix of individuals working in areas of research, theory, and practice) on a topic, range of ideas, and/or project. Panel may divide presentation how they prefer; often each presenter speaks for 5-10 minutes prior to taking questions/comments from the audience. 20-minute mini-sessions are designed for 1-2 presenters who want to make a short presentation about a proposed topic. 2-hour workshops typically offer hands-on activities and and are intended to be interactive.
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I understand that as a Presenter I must provide my own laptop, adaptor(s), power cord(s), and/or USB drive. *
Presentation rooms are all "smart" equipped. They have PCs with wired internet,  projection and audio. If you use Mac, please bring your own dongle.
Is there anything else that the conference planners need to know about your proposal?
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