Boston Gooners Roll Call: Arsenal in Philly
Arsenal are headed back to the States this summer! Use this form to let us know if you're heading to Philadelphia. We'll use the information to coordinate BG meetups.
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Name *
Please enter as Last name, First name
Email address *
We will not share your information or use it for any purpose outside of communicating with traveling Boston Gooners.
Phone number *
Please enter area code + number only (no hyphens, etc.). BG will create a WhatsApp group to communicate with our traveling supporters. Please download the app if you don't currently have it on your smartphone. We will not share your information or use it for any purpose outside of communicating with traveling Boston Gooners in real time.
When are you arriving in Philadelphia? *
Where are you staying?
Where are your seats for the match (Section)?
Enter the section number only, please.
Where are your seats for the match (Row)?
Enter the row number only, please.
If you are driving, are you willing to offer a seat to somebody looking for a ride? *
If you answered "yes" to the last question, how many riders would you be willing to accommodate?
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Are you looking for a ride? 
(BG makes no guarantee we will be able to match ride-seekers with those who may have an extra seat, but we will try.)

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