EDUcators Ignite
It is important to brace up and get ready for the future ahead!

If it is only about achieving the goal, you are likely to lose steam along the way. You need to be Ignited!

This edition of our School Business Roundtable is packaged to help ignite your teaching profession into an example to encourage those around you to pursue their own goals.

We will be looking at ways to address critical issues that teachers face and what is needed to help them live a more balanced life.

There will be so much to learn;
Personal leadership
Mental and Emotional Wellness
Developing your influence. (Yes, to impact and transform lives)

This exercise is particularly helpful when you feel the ignition of your passion as a teacher and using your teaching profession to inspire others.

“EDUCATORS IGNITE” is scheduled to hold as follows ;
Date:  Friday, 15th of October  
Venue: The Lagos Marriott  Hotel Ikeja.
 COST : N37,500  
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