Master Raj Kanwar Chopra Memorial Scholarships by St. Soldier Group of Institutions (Rs. Two Crore)
Apply for Master Raj Kanwar Chopra Memorial Scholarships by St. Soldier Group of Institutions. Please fill all details in complete and correct. Filling up this application does not guarantee of receiving scholarships. A Panel constitute by the Management shall have the final authority to accept and reject the application. However you are advised to provide valuable inputs and reasons to present your strong candidature for receiving the scholarship.
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Your Name *
Your Father's Name *
Your Mother's Name *
Your Date of Birth *
Your Mobile Number (10 Digits) *
Your Email Id *
Your City / District *
Your Residential Address *
Your Current Qualification (Present Class) *
Your Family Income *
Your Academic Achievements *
Why You Should be Selected for MRKC Scholarships *
Your Reference or Known Person Who Ask You to Fill This Form (If Any)
If There is any Reference Please provide His Number
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