2024-2025 UC Berkeley Circle K Membership Form
Hello! Welcome to UC Berkeley Circle K!

Circle K International (CKI), sponsored by Kiwanis International, is the world's largest collegiate community service organization in the world. CKI has clubs on nearly 600 campuses globally. Programs are based on three tenants: Service, Leadership, and Fellowship.

We're very excited to have a wonderful year with all of our members. This application is simply a way for us to keep track of our dues paid membership -- anyone can join our club at any time, and there are no requirements or obligations to join us!

General members of the club who only partake in events at UC Berkeley do not need to pay any dues! But, if you are interested in leadership, members must be recognized at the District & International level and pay club dues for the 2024-2025 term. The cost for dues this year is $15. Please contact Aanya Sethi (aanyaranisethi.cki@gmail.com) to pay through Venmo. Benefits of membership include access to District and International events, insurance at Circle K events, eligibility to apply for Circle K scholarships (of which many of our current members & alumni have been recipients), networking opportunities with Kiwanians and recent Berkeley graduates, and many more!

Once again, please note that you DO NOT have to pay dues to go to majority of our events such as service events and general meetings! We welcome everyone and are so happy to see familiar faces every week and it is up to you to decide your involvement <3 

Please feel free to contact Treasurer Aanya Sethi (aanyaranisethi.cki@gmail.com) President Yanisa Chaisomboonpan (cki.yanisachai@gmail.com) if you have any questions in regard to membership or the club in general. You can also contact Aanya regarding arranging alternative payment methods for dues, or any accommodations towards club membership. You can reach all of us through email!

Yanisa Chaisomboonpan & Aanya Sethni
2024-2025 President & Secretary
University of California, Berkeley Circle K | Golden Gate x Sunset Division
California-Nevada-Hawaii District | Circle K International
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