Name and position of person completing the form: *
Your answer
Name of your school: *
Your answer
Name of performer or small group: *
Your answer
Email address for performer or contact person for performer: *
Your answer
Mobile phone number for performer or contact person or performer: *
Your answer
If recommending a small group, how many performers are in the group (maximum of 10)?
Your answer
If recommending a soloist, in what grade is the student at your school?
Your answer
Is the performance only singing, or is an instrument involved? (please tell us what instrument) *
Your answer
For what events has this student or group performed the national anthem in the past? *
Your answer
Please check all upcoming dates that the student(s) is interested in performing: *
Thank you for your interest in performing the national anthem at an upcoming state championship. We will review all responses prior to these events and contact those selected with as much notice as possible.
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