Multiple Selves Reflection
After completing the Multiple Selves project, answer the following questions.
Name *
Did you use 4 or more poses? *
Did you use good quality pictures? *
For example, is the photo clear or blurry? did the photo include all of your body or did it cut off parts?
Did you delete the background behind your poses? *
Did you adjust the angle (rotation) of your images to make them look natural in your setting? *
Did you adjust the size of your images to make them look natural? *
Did you arrange your images in a specific manner? *
What is the Final Grade you would give yourself? *
What's the favorite tool you learned in Pixelmator? and why? *
What was your favorite part of the project? *
If you were to do the Multiple Selves project again, what would you do differently? *
Is there anything you had trouble understanding about this project?
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