Aligned CEO Method VIP by My Aligned Purpose: Application form 

We are SO excited you're here. Fill out this form with the best of your current knowledge and perspective.

Once we receive your answers, we will be in touch with next steps to secure your spot. 

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
What's your name?  *
What is your birthday *
What's your phone number? *
What's your social handle?  *
If you have a website, please share here:  *
How did you hear about My Aligned Purpose? *
Are you an entrepreneur or aspiring business owner?   *
Share your intentions for your business and lifestyle shifts from now until the end of 2024... *
Tell us what you're most looking forward to as a member of Aligned CEO Method...  *
What excites you about being a part of a coaching mastermind full of entrepreneurial women with big goals? *
Can you commit to the following schedule: 

Attend most weekly facilitated connections with your Aligned CEO Method community & your quarterly 2-day immersive experience that will accelerate your progress OR an ability to watch the replays and apply the content:
We will be focusing on the "woo" elements of success. Are you open to trying on a spiritual business lens? *
What mindset blocks or limiting beliefs feel most present to you right now? *
What is your word of the year for 2024? *
What do you want to be celebrating on New Years Eve 2024? *
How will you know that being surrounded by next-level, committed, brilliant women and powerful coaching has made an impact on your life, and your business? *
What are you most looking forward to, once you commit to a year of masterminding and coaching? *
When you are accepted into the program, would you like the link to pay in full or get started with a deposit?  *
Thank you for completing the My Aligned Purpose Aligned CEO Method Application form!
Once we receive your answers, we will be in touch!

With gratitude,
Nicole and Kaila

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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