Community-based Forest Management and Reforestation
We invite you to join us for the 2nd installment of our Conservation Learning session in partnership with the Philippine Indigenous Consortium for Conserved Areas (ICCA), this time focusing on their role in community-based forest management and reforestation.

For government agencies, NGOs, academe, and anyone who would like to learn more about this important topic as we strive to protect & restore our forests, join us.

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Given limited slots for this webinar, by registering for this, please only confirm if you are 100% sure to be able to join the webinar. Accepting your slot means not accepting another potential person shall we fill up the slots. Kindly type, YES, I confirm participation if you are sure to attend. Thank you in advance and looking forward to sharing the session with you! *
Any questions you want us to raise during the Q&A? Please type any question for a fruitful discussion. (N/A if none) *
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