Strategic Math Set 1 Training: October 11, 2021
St. Lucie Public Schools District Office
8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Facilitator: Caroline Redding

Purpose: The primary purpose of the Strategic Math Series is to provide at-risk students with the skills needed to solve basic math problems, plus a foundation for solving more advanced problems in the future.

Objective: Participants will learn to teach 3 math strategies (Addition Facts 0-9, Subtraction Facts 0-9, Place Value: Discovering Tens and Ones) using the “concrete-representational- abstract” method of instruction. In this approach, understanding of mathematics is developed through the use of concrete objects, representational drawings, and an easy-to-learn strategy that turns all students into active problem solvers.

Target Audience: Elementary ESE teachers, Elementary Math Interventionists and Math Coaches

Follow-up: Coaching and support are available to all participants.

Limited to 16 participants.
Masks required.
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