Participation & Engagement Assessment
For each of the following categories, please rate your participation on a scale of 1 - 10.  10 is the highest.  After you assign your score, justify your answer with a one sentence response.
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Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Class Period *
Teacher Centered Instruction *
TCI is when you are listening to teacher prompts.  This includes attention, asking questions, and answering questions.
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Lowest Possible
Highest Possible
Teacher Centered Instruction *
Explain and justify your numerical response regarding your engagement and participation during teacher centered instruction. 
Student Centered Instruction *
Students working independently or with another student. This includes collaboration and teamwork.
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Student Centered Instruction *
Explain and justify your numerical response regarding your engagement and participation during student centered time. 
Pride and Quality *
Taking pride in your work and/or completing the work in a high quality format.
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Low Pride/Quality
HIgh Pride/Quality
Pride and Quality *
Explain and justify your numerical response regarding your pride and quality in your work.
Preparation and Organization *
Prepared for class and organized
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Never Prepared/Organized
Always Prepared/Organized
Preparation and Organization *
Explain and justify your numerical response regarding your organization and participation. 
POSITIVITY: Behavior & Attitude *
Rate behavior based on disruptive behavior, attentiveness, texting, and/or general positive behavior.
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Negativity always
Positivity always
Positivity *
Explain and justify your numerical response regarding your positivity and engagement. 
Phone and iPad Control and Integration *
Rate your usage of your phone and iPad in terms of productivity & appropriate use
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Not productive use
Productive use only (no phone)
Phone and iPad control and integration *
Integration includes calendar, assignments, email, resources, graphing and more.
Total Score out of 60 *
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