Travel Reimbursement Application
The Travel Assistance Reimbursement Program may assist survivors with costs associated to attend support programs administered by COPS.  Unless exceptional circumstances prevail and are approved by the Executive Board, survivors shall be reimbursed for their expenses subsequent to their travel.  

Maximum Reimbursement Amounts (documented by receipts):

National Police Week:
    Actual expenses not to exceed $2,000 per individual / $5,000 per nuclear family

All Other National and Local Programs:
    Actual expenses not to exceed $1,000 per individual

A final approval for reimbursement shall be made upon receiving the Travel Reimbursement Form, all associated receipts, and verification of the applicant’s compliance with the above listed requirements.  Non-compliance with the requirements specified shall be considered by the Colorado COPS Executive Board prior to approval or denial.  Reason(s) for denial will be furnished to the applicant in writing via mail or email.  
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Only survivors who are registered for a COPS event are eligible for travel reimbursement per guidelines established by Colorado COPS procedures.  Survivors must attend the COPS program to request reimbursement.  Registration through National COPS shall be mandatory for National programs.  

This application shall be submitted to the Colorado COPS Treasurer no later than the last day of registration for the event. The Travel Reimbursement Form and all related receipts for the event must be received by the Colorado COPS Treasurer within 90 days from the end of the event.

Only costs directly associated with travel or stay shall be eligible.  Travel expenses shall be limited to economy, coach, or equivalent fares or fuel costs.  Lodging expenses shall likewise be limited at COPS retained hotels.  (Lodging expenses for underage dependent children shall be covered under their parents lodging expenses.)  Meals, snacks or other incidentals shall not be eligible. Reimbursement will be for the allowed expenses submitted, or the maximum allowable, whichever is lower.
I agree to the above-listed requirements *
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