July-August 2020 CFP: Yak Collective Collaborations
Use this form to propose collaborative projects to start in July 2020 that you are willing to take the lead on. Projects will be published/promoted under our shared Yak Collective brand. Projects should ideally be structured to allow for small contributions from many people. Submissions will be visible to all to review.

Deadline Friday, June 26, at which point the proposals will be evaluated and greenlit/prioritized via some community process, based on how many people are interested in contributing to each.

More details here: https://roamresearch.com/#/app/ArtOfGig/page/IPu1tsxEE

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Email *
Your name and discord handle *
Like John Doe (@johndoe)
Names/Discord handle of co-proposer *
Projects require a co-lead. Enter like John Doe (@johndoe)
Link to Roam proposal page with details *
If you haven't already, make a Roam page with project details before filling out this proposal form. Make your page on this one: https://roamresearch.com/#/app/ArtOfGig/page/IPu1tsxEE
Type of collaborative project *
Working title of your proposal *
Please try to come up with one with some marketing oomph to it, though of course we can change it later
Brief description of idea, and why you're suited to leading it *
Inspire some confidence among potential contributors that this is worth doing, and that you can actually pull this off!
Has this project been proposed in a previous cycle? *
Projects that have been proposed before and attracted at least 10 votes before will be given extra priority. Projects may be re-proposed up to 2 times.
Which Yak Collective collaborations have you contributed to before? *
Number of contributors this project can handle (including yourself and co-proposers) *
What skills/knowledge/background are you looking for from contributors *
How will your project increase/improve Yak Collective project capabilities? *
We may have a small budget of a few hundred dollars available for material expenses (not for labor/participation). If this might be useful, please indicate how you might spend it. *
What is your planned sprint length? *
A sprint is defined as a cycle that results in a release-candidate output, and triggers a decision point where the 2 project leads and 2 referees make a consensus decision whether to release, kill, or extend the project.
How many sprints do you anticipate this project will take? *
Needs strong justification
Approximately how many hours per week do you plan to devote to this project while it is running? *
Your time commitment estimate will potential participants judge whether your goals are realistic
List TWO referees for your project (Name and Discord handle) *
Your project will require 2 NON-PARTICIPATING individuals to serve as referees to make release/another sprint/kill decisions at the end of each sprint. Ideally, these should be people with some relevant expertise in your project theme area. Please obtain their consent before listing them.
What kind of clients for follow-on paid consulting engagements either for individual contributors or Yak Collective teams might be attracted by this project, if any? *
It is not a requirement that projects have lead-gen potential, but if there is such potential, please capture it here as a hypothesis.
How do you plan to market the output beyond basic social media promotion by Yak Collective? *
Anything else you want to share with potential contributors?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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