God Knows Where: Ask Me Another
In addition to the current weekly episodes of God Knows Where, I'm working on pulling together some resources, especially for parents and for kids, that tackle the questions kids bring up that we all struggle to answer or the questions that we simply don't know how to answer. You know, questions about big things like God, life, death, sex, relationships, identity, science, and so on. So:

- If your kid has asked you any of these kinds of questions and you had no idea how to respond, share them here!

- If you're just anticipating the questions you're going to get, share them here!

- If you wished you'd had a better or different answer when you were asked the questions earlier and you want to respond better next time, share them here!
I'll sweeten the deal too...I'm in the process of having some prints made of the words I close every episode of the show with from William Sloane Coffin. If you share a question (and an email address) I'll enter you for a chance to win a FREE PRINT!
PS: Everything will anonymous and any questions you share will only be used in creating the resources. I'll share your name (first name only) ONLY IF you give me permission to do so.

And, in a departure from regular episodes of God Knows Where, I'D ALSO LOVE FOR THERE TO BE MORE THAN ONE VOICE in these episodes, so if you or your kid want to be a part of God Knows Where, here's your chance!

THANK YOU in advance!
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What's one big question you (or your kids) have about faith?
One more?
Have another?
What's your name? (Again, will only be used with your permission!)
What's your email address (for entry into the drawing or to connect about being a part of an episode!)
Would you and/or your kid have any interest in being a part of an episode? This could include reading your question and some scripted narration on air OR having a brief conversation with Brett about the topic?

There's no need to live nearby. We can work out the technology and scheduling to make it work from wherever you live!
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