2016 CEW Achiever Awards | Google's Digital Achiever Award Nomination
Now in its third year, the CEW Digital Achiever Award sponsored by Google recognises an individual who has distinguished themselves through their achievements in digital marketing. The winner will have demonstrated their creativity, entrepreneurship and innovation through their Digital skills.

Claire Vero, Founder of Aurelia Probiotic Skincare and winner of the inaugural CEW Digital Achiever Award said, “I was hugely proud to win the CEW Digital Achiever Award. Winning reinforced how important digital is to start up brands and how implementing this well enables us to compete on a global scale. I am so grateful for the support I have received from both the team at Google and CEW which has helped enormously in shaping our future strategies."


Nominees must be CEW members and should be put forward by CEW members. You may nominate yourself if you are a current CEW member.  Nominees can come from any company (big or small), brand, retailer or manufacturer. This can include company Founders, Marketing Managers or Social media experts and the individual should ideally be able to represent their company externally.

Please explain your reason(s) for putting this person forward otherwise CEW are unable consider your nomination. Please provide as detailed information as possible including metrics to support your nomination. NB: if you have more than one CEW Member to nominate please resubmit this form.

All nominations should be submitted by 17:00 on Friday 9th September 2016.

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