Do you have a vegan or vegan-friendly restaurant or have you been thinking about adding some vegan options to your menu and want to test it out? Get your restaurant in front of thousands of area restaurant-goers looking for meat-free options. Join us September 27-October 3, 2021 for Columbus Vegan Restaurant Week (CVRW).

For 1 week, participating restaurants will offer a special vegan menu (2 or more options please) and/or discounts on current vegan menu items. We've found in other markets that the restaurants with new options for the week (instead of discounted regular menu items) and those with 3 or more vegan week menu items do the best at drawing in customers during restaurant week.

Vegan Restaurant Week is similar to other restaurant weeks such as (614) Restaurant Week, except the special menu items are completely plant-based. This means no meat or meat broths, dairy (milk, cheese, butter), eggs, or honey.

You can still sell your regular menu items during restaurant week, just offer a special vegan menu, preferably different than what you currently offer to entice restaurant-goers to visit for something new!

Vegan Restaurant Week's are a great way to increase awareness of your restaurant, target diners looking for meat-free and healthier options, increase business and dollars, and to make veganism more mainstream.

Since we're still unsure what COVID will be doing by September, we ask that each participating restaurant offer carryout for those who don't want to dine in.

YES, food trucks are welcome!! Just let us know what location you'll be at during CVRW.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Why participate in CVRW?
- Data collected by the Vegetarian Resource Group found that nearly 40 percent of Americans choose to order vegan dishes regardless of their diet.
- Showcase what your restaurant can do with plant-based foods
- Gain more business from people looking for healthier or meat-free options
- Bring in business in a month that may see slower sales
- Let your chefs have some fun creating new items
- Take advantage of the vastly growing popularity of plant-based foods
- Help make veganism more mainstream
How to participate in CVRW
Participation in Columbus Vegan Restaurant Week is easy!

1. Fill out the form below. Registration ends September 4, 2021. However, the earlier you sign up, the more time we have to promote your restaurant to the community!

2. Send the $165 registration fee and two $25 gift cards by no later than 9/4/2021. ***EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT *** Register by August 7, 2021 and get a discounted registration fee of $125 plus two $25 gift cards. Payments can be made via Venmo to @thevegacademy, via or mailed. Contact us for address.

 Your restaurant won't be listed until this form AND registration fee are received.

3. Email a high-resolution version of your logo to

4. Create your menu of vegan specials (2 or more options please!) And remember, you want to entice people to come to your restaurant so make sure to be creative! Email the menu and any discounts on regular menu items to by no later than September 4, 2021. Any menus received after the cutoff may not be posted or promoted. The earlier you get your menu to us, the more time we have to promote it! Remember, all CVRW menu items must be 100% vegan -- no meat, meat broth, dairy (milk, butter, cheese), eggs, or honey.

4. Get ready for new customers and more business!!

Have questions or want to chat about some ideas? Email me at

Not a restaurant but have a vegan-friendly business that you'd like to promote? Great! We'd love to have you sponsor our event!

Sponsors will get their logo on any printed materials, on the web page for the CVRW, on our Facebook cover photo, and shout outs on our social channels.

Sponsorships are $200 and will help us promote CVRW while we help promote your business to thousands of people looking for products & services like yours!

Sponsor forms and payment must be in by August 28, 2021 to be included in any printed materials. Fill out the form below and send your payment via Paypal to Want to pay by check? Contact us!
Business Name *
Contact Name *
Phone Number *
Email *
I am *
Web Address *
Business Hours *
Business Address *
I understand that all special menu items must be 100% vegan. (No meat or meat-based broths, dairy (including butter) eggs, or honey.) *
I will email company logo and CVRW menu to by no later than September 4, 2021 *
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