Thank you for reporting issues below
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What problem did you encounter? *
Please describe in as much detail as possible what issue you faced. *
(For example: busy signal, message said PIN invalid, call dropped, etc.)
What was the date and exact time the problem occurred? *
(Please include your time zone. Ex: 4/27, 1 pm PST)
What MaestroConference number did you call? *
What PIN number did you use? *
What is your phone number that you used to dial into the MaestroConference call? *
(When we research what happened on the call, this info helps us pinpoint what happened with your experience.)
Which company is your phone service provider?
Clear selection
What is your name?
What is your e-mail address?
What was your role on this call?
Clear selection
What is the title of the call?
Who hosted the call (either name or organization)?
Clear form
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This form was created inside of MaestroConference. Report Abuse