Hire me as a Consultant/Coach
Fill out this form if you are interested in having me do one of the following:

--> Review your materials and offer feedback
--> Develop curriculum for your population
--> Practice and expand upon practices and tools for working with clients
--> Brainstorm or develop event/program ideas
--> Work through your research/project with you to engage more liberatory practices 
--> Business related coaching*
--> Becoming a sex education/coaching professional coaching*

*I offer one free 30 min session to students, BIPOC, Queer/trans, & disabled folks for whom paying would be a financial burden
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Email *
Name & Affiliation *
Where are you in your planning? *
What services are you seeking? *
Tell me more about what you are seeking (description & details). *
If you have a start time or deadline, please write that here. *
What are your particular topics of interest *
Describe your budget: My professional consulting rate is $175/hour (or a 5 session package for $800 ). If project based, we can discuss estimated time/cost for completion. I do offer sliding scale & barter options for those for whom my rate would be a financial burden. This link helps us decide how much of a reduced rate you should be paying.  *
How/Where did you hear about me? *
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