Cancer Management Quiz
Created by Chris Galbraith and Connor Bohlken
Edited by Dr. Paris Ingledew
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Mr. Getitout is a 43 year old caucasian male with a Stage I Renal Cell Carcinoma on his right kidney. He is otherwise healthy, the cancer is localized, and there is a local Urologist who is proficient at the procedure. He is electing to have a radical nephrectomy. This patient is being treated with _____ intent, this is decision is based on favorable: _______, _______, and _______ factors.
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Mrs. Treet Meaplease is a 78 year old female with Stage IV small cell lung cancer.  She has several other comorbidities, such as ESRD on dialysis, and CHF. Today when you see her, you notice that she has ptosis of her eyelid, as well as miosis of the pupil. She confesses to her arm feeling somewhat numb.  You work in a center which has surgical, radiation, and medical oncologists.  When considering cancer therapy, what is a patient factor for this patient?
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Which of the following is NOT a goal of Adjuvant Treatment?
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Mr. Barol Chest is a 78 year old male with severe COPD, CHF, and crippling kyphosis, who has local prostate cancer. He has never before received radiation treatment, and has no history of connective tissue disorders. He lives nearby the hospital which has a state of the art radiation oncology department. Of Mr. Chests patient, tumor, and treatment factors which makes him a poorer candidate for radiation therapy?
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You are a 3rd year medical student working in clinic with Dr. Beeblebrox, an Oncologist. You are seeing Mr. Slartibartfast, a 76 year old male originally from Magrathea who has recently been diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer. Mr. Slartibartfast is concerned about side effects from the chemotherapy. Which of the following factors does this represent when considering cancer therapy?
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Mrs. Eleine Cogwatty is a 73 year old comorbid female. She has a past medical history of congestive heart failure, chronic kidney disease, diabetes mellitus type II, and hypertension. She is capable of limited self care, and spends more than 50% of her walking hours confined to either a bed or chair. What is her ECOG status?
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You are on call and it is the middle of the night. You have been paged to go and see Mr. Stown Culd, a 94 year old palliative patient with a DNR order. On arrival you notice that their chest is not moving, and in fact they appear to be dead. An absent pulse confirms your suspicion, they are in fact dead. What is their ECOG status?
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Mrs. Ican Doit is a 73 year old female who has begun to slow down. She is still able to carry out light work, but can no longer reach the heights of physical prowess she was able to achieve in her youth. What is her ECOG status?
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