Become a member
AEGEE-Tilburg is the European student association for you to travel, explore and experience Europe with. Join us in our parties, trips, workshops and many other activities in Tilburg and all around Europe. Becoming a member of our association is really simple, without obligations and will only cost you €20,- per year.
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First name(s) *
Last name *
Email adress *
Date of birth *
Nationality *
City of residence *
Adress *
Phone number *
Postal code *
Are you a student? *
If you are a student, what is the name of your school?
I hereby allow AEGEE-Tilburg to annually withdraw the contribution, laid down by the rules and regulations of AEGEE-Tilburg, at this moment €20,00, from my account until written membership cancellation. *
I hereby agree with the rules and regulations of AEGEE-Tilburg and the storage of my data for administrative purposes. This data will be deleted no later than 18 months after becoming an alumnus. This form has been completed truthfully. Membership extends annually in September. I am a member till written membership cancellation before the 31st of July. *
How did you find AEGEE-Tilburg? *
What would you like to get out of your AEGEE-Tilburg Membership? (e.g. social connections, develop yourself further, travel etc.)
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