Sign Up to Be Part of GLO!
Please answer the questions below so that we can know more about the persons with special needs who would like to come and join us at GLO, which stands for God's Love Overcomes. GLO is Bethesda Bedok-Tampines Church's (BBTC's) ministry for persons with special needs,  including any form of cognitive disability (e.g. intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder, ADHD etc.) 

This form is to be filled up by the caregiver (Parent or guardian) of the new GLO member. If they are cognitively able, the new GLO member can also fill up the form with guidance from the caregiver or other suitable person (e.g. cell leader). 

Follow us on Instagram at @bbtc.glo for more information and subscribe to My BBTC on Youtube to get updated on our GLO online services!
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