Clothing: Waiting List
Thank you for your interest in "Clothing"! Our Calgary experience is currently sold out, but if you'd like to join the waiting list, please fill out this form. If a spot opens up, we'll get in touch with you.

If you'd prefer to answer these questions in a different way - e-mail, phone, voice message, text message - you can reach out to us at or 403-710-0093.
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What is your name? *
What are your pronouns?
When would you like to attend Clothing? (select any that apply) *
What is your e-mail address? *
What is your phone number? *
What is your clothing size? (Select whatever applies; we know that sizing and fit can be complex! Feel free to add notes under "other".) *
What is your style season? *
Do you have a preference for the gender expression of your clothing? *
Can we do anything to help you fully participate in this experience? For example, what are your access needs when shopping for clothes? This will be somewhat similar.

Needs could include audio description, ASL interpretation, help with tasks that require fine motor skills, earplugs, fidget toys, a place to sit... or other! We will do our best to accommodate your needs.

Please note that there are several sets of stairs leading up to the space, and the washroom is not wheelchair accessible.
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