Kingdom Builders Partner Request Form
Thank you for reaching out to CityWide Mosaic Church Kingdom Builders! We review requests from many different organizations and ministries, and it is our pleasure to do so! We use this profile to gather information about specific projects that might align to CityWide Mosaic's giving goals.

Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions. We appreciate thorough responses so that we're able to learn as much as we can about your ministry and request. If we may be able to partner with you, we'll contact you directly with any good news, as well as to confirm payment information.
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Email *
What is the name of your organization (legal entity)? *
What is the name of your ministry (if different from the name of your organization's legal entity)?
Contact Name *
Contact Title *
Your title within the organization
Secondary Contact Name
Secondary Contact Email
Organization Phone Number *
Organization Mailing Address *
Organization Website *
How did you hear about CityWide Mosaic? Who at CityWide Mosaic do you have the closest relationship with? *
Do you currently receive recurring support from CityWide Mosaic? *
Have you previously received funds from CityWide Mosaic (special or one-time gifts)? If yes, how much and what dates? *

Provide a summary about your ministry and organization. We’d love to know the purpose and vision as well as activities used to reach and serve the ones you are called to minister to.

Provide a thorough summary and detailed information about the project you would like us to consider funding. Please provide details such as the size, scope, benefit, and purpose.
Please provide a link to any media information.
We’d love to know more about the people, region, and nation you’re hoping to reach with the funds you are requesting. Feel free to include relevant facts and interesting data.
What is the total cost of the project?
Will the project be completed in phases? If so, please explain using months and years if needed.
What is the projected date to complete the project?
What date(s) or time frames are the funds needed for? And how much is needed for each date or time frame?
How much money is currently raised?
Please share a brief summary of the names of other churches and organizations committed to this project.
Please share a brief summary of financial commitments (in terms of dollars) currently pledged or promised to the project.
We sometimes promote projects or partners in order to inspire engagement in Kingdom Builders at River Valley. Are there security precautions or preferences we need to know about? For instance, can we use your name, your ministry name, your ministry function, geographic location, etc? Be specific on what we can or cannot print.
Is your organization a federally recognized 501c3?
If yes, what is your EIN or what agency provides your non-profit status?
What did we forget to ask? Please feel free to let us know other details you’d like us to be aware of.
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