Learning through Engagement Lab
Meeting for collaborations! 

Community organizations, Students and Universities 

What is the potential if community organizations and Universities worked and collaborated more actively together to meet local needs?

ECEM - Enriching Communities through Engaged Mobilities - Consortium, invite you to be part of an insightful journey at the “Learning through Engagement Lab”  here we will delve into the potential of stronger collaborations between community organizations, students, and Universities to address local needs

Together, we will explore transformative and innovative solutions to societal challenges through co-creation  in the framework of Community-engegement learning programs for international students, fostering meaningful connections, civic engagement, and social responsibility. 

We invite you to join us at the Lab and be part of this dynamic exploration. Together, let's uncover the possibilities, create meaningful connections, and pave the way for transformative change in our communities.

Date:  5th -7th October 2023

Location: Berlin

For whom: 30 participants from across Europe developing service-learning formats, working in projects on challenge-based learning or around community-based and participatory research.

This registration form will take you just a few minutes, but it will help us to get to know you better.
We mean to design an immersive and creative meeting where we can share a collaborative experience together.

Please notice that your participation will be confirmed after the selection process with an email from the ECEM project team.
Thank you!
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