Class-10, Nationalism in India
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Q1) When did Mahatma Gandhi return to India from South Africa? *
1 point
Q2) What did the Rowlatt Act, 1919 presume? *
1 point
Q3) What did Mahatma Gandhi in his book, Hind Swaraj, declare? *
1 point
Q4) What did the term 'picket' refer to? *
1 point
Q5) Who led the peasants in Awadh? *
1 point
Q6) What did the term 'begar' mean? *
1 point
Q7) What was the effect of the Non-cooperation Movement on the plantation workers in Assam? *
1 point
Q8) What was the main problem with the Simon Commission? *
1 point
Q9) Where was Gandhi's ashram located? *
1 point
Q10) What led to the Civil Disobedience Movement? *
1 point
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