Please email the EC (isb@biocurator.org) to let them know that an application has been submitted.

If you are a current ISB member please provide the email address associated with your ISB membership
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Email *
Applicant Name  *
Applicant Title
Applicant Affiliation (Department, Institute, City, Country)
Do you work in a low to middle income country as classified by the Wellcome Trust ? *
Job title
Other: more information about job title
Please list any previous ISB awards you have received (and year) *
Are you a paid-up ISB member? 
ISB membership is not a requirement to apply. If an applicant is awarded an Exchange Fellowship, they will receive one year of free membership to the ISB.
Brief description of the purpose of the meeting *
Who is the target audience and their possible affiliations? *
How this meeting will benefit the members of the ISB community? *
Proposed Budget, include budget under specific headings such as printing, refreshments, travel costs, with relevant dates *
Please add any additional statements to support this application *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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