Course Presenter Interest Form
Thank you for your interest in the Lifelong Learning Institute (LLI) of Ohio Wesleyan University.  Individuals with an interest in offering a four, five or six week LLI course or one single session class as a volunteer presenter, are asked to complete the form below.  Presenters receive complimentary LLI registration for the term following that in which they teach.  The LLI Curriculum Committee will review course applications and offer recommendations for inclusion in an upcoming LLI term.
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Name *
Email *
Proposed LLI Course Title
Proposed length of LLI course (one class per week)
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Please write a brief description of your proposed course in 100 words or less.
Do you want to limit your class size?
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If yes, what would be the ideal class size?
Do attendees need to bring special equipment?
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If yes, please describe:
Please list below your top three choices for time and day of the week that are best for you to offer your proposed course.  Classroom availability will impact course scheduling.
Please provide a brief description of your background (work related experiences, education, etc.) to include in the LLI curriculum brochure:
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