Venture Cup Experts Application
Welcome. Here you can apply to become a part of the broadest and most versatile business network for early-stage university startups in Denmark. Either as a mentor, a jury member, or both.

After submitting, Venture Cup will go through your application and if relevant we will get back to you to schedule an interview. Your application, the interview, and the Venture Cup Expert criteria will be the basis of the final approval. Your role as a Venture Cup Expert is reviewed yearly through an interview. You're expected to engage in our activities. Our offers and activities are communicated on our closed LinkedIn Group and via email. At any time you can put your engagement on hold or retire from the network by writing to

All information obtained about other Expert network members and startups should be handled respectfully and according to the NDA and Code of Conduct as part of your application.

Looking forward to your participation.
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Full Name *
Please write your full name.
Email *
Phone *
Current company *
Position *
LinkedIn *
Gender *
For statistical purposes only
Country of Residence
Describe yourself in 7 words *
What is your motivation for becoming an expert? *
What is your main industry? *
What is your secondary industry?
Select skills you can contribute with *
Do you have entrepreneurial experience? *
If yes, please elaborate:
Are you looking to invest in startups? *
Are you looking to become a co-founder in a startup? *
Would you like to be a key-note speaker? *
Can your company host Venture Cup Expert events? *
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