Birthday Party Programming Booking Form
If you would like to book a birthday party youth class, please complete this form and we will get back to you to complete the booking. If you would like catering or have additional questions please note them on the questions below. Base price is $400.00 for ten participants (or 7 participants in cooking/ceramics, due to higher cost in materials), with an additional $20 for every additional participant.

Base price includes: Room rental for 2-4 hours, teacher/chef time, supplies (canvas, paint, clay, etc), ingredients, setup, and clean up. 

Please select a date at least three weeks in advance to allow for proper scheduling.
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Email *
What class are you interested in booking with us?

Look below at our list for some ideas!
Examples of Available Classes 
How many will be in your group? 

(Note: Ceramics and Cooking classes are limited to 7 unless discussed prior.)
Name: *
Phone Number: *
Home Address: *
Have you participated in classes at PACE before? *
What class did you take before?
What date and time would work best for your group?*

*Please list all dates and times that you are interested in.
If you would like catering at your event, please contact and they will assist you. 
Age range of students: *
Any additional Information you would like us to know *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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