Please provide the email(s) to which you would like to receive logistical information. This will be the primary contact throughout the conference.
Your answer
Delegation Size
Please provide the number of delegates that you plan on bringing to GETTMUN. Please note that this information will be used to calculate delegation fees. This number does not have to be cemented and may change, but please alert us if it does, so we can adjust accordingly.
Your answer
Committee Preferences
This will ask your preference on committee selection. Although not all of our committees are written, this will help us assign committees and better shape our conference. We will do our best to honor your selections.
Will you need a invoice for the conference? If so, when you are ready to submit payment, please reach out to or to recieve your invoice.
Clear selection
Delegate Change Policy
I understand that I must directly notify GETTMUN if the number of delegates I am bringing to GETTMUN changes for any reason. I understand that the change is not finalized until I receive a confirmation email.
Clear selection
[OPTIONAL] Is there anything else you'd like to add about your registration?
This can include any accessibility/accommodations requests.