Summer Camp Registration
Enter the following information to register your child for camp. Repeat the form for additional children. A $50 deposit is required to hold your child's place. Mail checks to 109 Professional Dr, Suite 2, Morrisville VT 05661. The remaining camp fee will be required for the first day of camp ($175 members, $225 non-members). Health and emergency form, and the behavior policy form are required at the first day of camp and will be emailed to you after registration.
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Email *
Child's Name *
Birthdate *
Guardian Name(s) *
Street Address *
Street Address 2
Town *
Zip Code *
Physical Address (if different)
Phone Numbers- Home, work, cell *
Additional Email Address(es) you would like camp info sent to
Camp(s) attending *
Would you like to become a member? ($60 suggested) *
Would you like to donate to the Camp Scholarship Fund to provide meaningful camp experiences to all kids regardless of their ability to pay? (amount)
Does your child need any accommodations, such as severe nut allergies, that we should plan for?
Anything else you would like to tell us?
Thank you! Please mail your deposit to reserve your spot. We look forward to spending summer with your children!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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