Karma Kids Camp May 17, 2022
May 17th is a NO school day for Dare County Schools. We will have a special one day camp for families!
The cost for drop in families is $50 and $35 for Studio after-school FULL TIME families & Pre-K FULL TIME families. *PRESECHOOL FAMILIES: If your pre-school child is enrolled full time there is no additional charge.  If they are not and will attend for the FULL day there is an additional fee of $35 for the day.

Payment is due upon registration!  You can pay online at our website here: https://the-studio-outer-banks.square.site/ or drop a check by The Studio.
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Email *
Students Name(s) *
Parents/Guardians Name & Cell Numbers
If new to Karma Kids please list place of employment & additional contact number (work number)
Emergency Contact Person/Cell Number FOR CAMP *
Any additional health or other information about your child that we need to know:
I understand  and agree to the following:                                                          Pick-up Tardiness Policy/Late Payments/Return Checks: Studio hours are until 5:15 p.m. In the case of tardiness, I acknowledge by my signature below that I will be charged a late fee of $15.00 per 15 minutes to begin at 5:16pm.   I also acknowledge that there will be a $30 fee for all returned checks and a 30% late fee will apply to my studio fees for each week payment is late.                                                                      Program Agreement: I understand that my child will be physically active including participating in mindful movement exercises/yoga.  I hereby authorize The Studio, Outer Banks LLC to publish the photographs or video taken of me or my child, and our names, for use in The Studio printed publications, on-line media outlets and website. I hereby agree to irrevocably release and waive any claims that I have now or may have hereafter against The Studio Outer Banks LLC, Karma Kids Mindful After-School and its instructors.  I have read and fully understand and agree to the above terms of this Liability Waiver Agreement, Medical Policies, and Pick-Up Polices. I am signing this agreement voluntarily and recognize that my signature serves as complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law in the State of North Carolina. *
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