CYH Scholarship Application
Please use the form below to submit a scholarship/financial aid application.

To apply for financial aid from Cambridge Youth Hockey (CYH), your family:

-Must reside in Cambridge, or have played in CYH for more than one season.

CYH realizes that asking for assistance may be difficult for some members. We want to assure you that all information related to application and disbursements will be kept in the strictest of confidence and will only be shared with the applicant and the CYH Financial Aid Committee. CYH reserves the right to verify information requested on this form.

Financial aid is available for CYH travel teams, CYH Hometown Hockey League, CYH Instructional Hockey (youth) and Learn to Skate programs. Regrettably, CYH is unable to award scholarships to players also committed to a club team.

CYH reserves the right to consider past disciplinary actions when making scholarship award decisions.
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Background Information
Contact Parent: First Name *
First name of the parent with whom communication about this application should be made
Contact Parent: Last Name *
Last name of the parent with whom communication about this application should be made
Contact Parent: Email address *
Should match your login email
Contact Parent: Cell phone *
Preferred contact method *
Street Address 1 *
Street Address 2
Town *
State *
Zip *
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