RPM Fest 2024 Press/Media Application
RPM Fest is now accepting applications from photographers, videographers, blogs, podcasts, and more looking to cover our 2024 festival.

If you plan to shoot photo or video at RPM Fest, we ask that you provide us with an unwatermarked collection of your best shots or clips from the festival for non-commercial use on our website and social media.  We ask for unwatermarked media because web and social media require us to crop media to their standards and we can't guarantee the watermark will be included.  Credit will be listed in the post or description (and linked/tagged when possible) whenever your work is used.  If we are interested in using your work for commercial use (e.g. printed materials, merchandise) we will contact you to arrange licensing.

We will begin reviewing applications in April and will notify you by email to confirm.  Press Passes will be distributed by email approximately one month before the festival dates.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number
Publication Name *
Publication Type *
Publication Link *
Media Link
Link to video or photos showing examples of your work.
Publication Info *
Please provide a brief description and include past events, viewership, etc.
Coverage Info *
Please describe how you plan to cover the festival.
Coverage timing *
I want to interview: *
Are you a returning press/media member? *
Are you additionally interested in sponsorship opportunities? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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