AAJA Tokyo Spring Gathering 2024
We are happy to invite you to the AAJA Tokyo spring gathering which will be held on Sunday, May 19th at Yoyogi Park.

AAJA Spring Gathering
When: May 19th @ 13:00
Location: Yoyogi Park (More details will be shared via email)
If the weather is bad, please meet us at the pagodas inside the park

Attendance is free for AAJA members and 500 yen for non-members.

Please RSVP by Tuesday, May 16th.

This is the Tokyo Subchapter’s first event and we would love to meet you, introduce ourselves and make a few friends. We're planning other events in coming weeks so please keep an eye out for more information.



日時: 5月19日 13:00~
場所: 代々木公園(詳細はメールでお知らせします)


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Affiliation / ご所属 *
Are you an official member of AAJA?/AAJAの正規メンバーですか? *
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Email address / メールアドレス *
How did you hear about this event? / 本イベントをどちらでお知りになりましたか?
Consent to AAJA Code of Conduct / AAJA行動規範への同意について

AAJA is committed to providing a friendly, safe and welcoming environment for all, regardless of race, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity or religion. Every participant has the right to enjoy their experience at AAJA without fear of harassment or discrimination. We expect all participants (speakers, attendees, staff and other guests) to abide by the AAJA code of conduct at all event venues and event-related social functions. Please familiarize yourself with AAJA's code of conduct by reviewing it here and endorse it below.
Let us know if you have any other questions or comments! / その他、ご質問やコメントがございましたらご記入ください。
Want to become a member of AAJA Tokyo? / AAJA東京のメンバーになりませんか?
We are a community of media professionals, serving the interests of up-and-coming and professional journalists. We organize networking events and panels. AAJA Tokyo is part of the Asian American Journalists Association, a non-profit that advocates for diversity and equity in newsrooms. AAJA has more than 2,000 members across the United States and Asia.

Join today! For more details, please reach out to us at tokyo@aaja.org.
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