Want to know how your local government works, who makes the decisions, and how you can get involved? Sign up to access the free program which combines 15 hours of civic learning and opportunities for student voice, leadership and civic engagement. This program is for grades 8-13. Next program starts in November. Connect with @GenerationNation @GenNation for civic learning opportunities through the year!

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How much do you know about local government?
This information helps GenerationNation to plan programming. You are not being evaluated.
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How much do you know about the CMS school district?
This information helps GenerationNation to plan programming. You are not being evaluated

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Do you know where to find and how to use good sources of civic information?
This information helps GenerationNation to plan programming. You are not being evaluated.
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Do you have an awareness of the big civic issues in our community?
This information helps GenerationNation to plan programming. You are not being evaluated.
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How much do you know about voting and elections?
This information helps GenerationNation to plan programming. You are not being evaluated.
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Do you know how to be a civic leader in your community?
This information helps GenerationNation to plan programming. You are not being evaluated.
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What do you hope to learn in this program?
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