Mothers for Justice and Equality Health & Wellness Registration
Please note that by completing this application, you certify that all of the information provided is true and complete.

As a participant in Mothers for Justice and Equality programming I understand that I must participate in  all workshop sessions and agree to abide by the Mothers for Justice and Equality's policies, procedures & Code of Conduct.

This application is property of Mothers for Justice and Equality and inclusive of applicable programming and workshops held by its organization.
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Email Address *
Full Name *
Address *
Date of Birth *
Contact Number (home, cell, office) *
Select each statement that describes your current income *
What Workshops Are You Participating In? *
What do you hope to gain from this workshop?
What other workshops would you be interested in seeing at MJE?
Referred by? *
Are you a former or existing member of Mothers for Justice and Equality? *
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