CISE REU Common Application: Auburn University NSF REU Site on Smart UAVs
Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) programs support active research participation by undergraduate students in Computing, Information Science, and Engineering (CISE) areas of research that are funded by the National Science Foundation. REU projects involve students in meaningful ways in ongoing research programs or in research projects specifically designed for the REU program. This program provides educational opportunities for  Undergraduate Students . This program provides indirect funding for undergraduate students to participate in research. The application form is a common application form used by universities with National Science Foundation sponsored REU programs. Our University's program supports this activity.

Application Process:
STEP 1: As an applicant, you will be asked to complete the following application in consideration of your candidacy for the REU program.
STEP 2: Upon completion of this application, you will be directed back to the REU Site web page.
STEP 3: At the REU Site web page, you will be able to submit any additional materials that are requested as part of the institutional application.
STEP 4: Notification of acceptance information is included on the REU Site web page.

Applicants must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident of the United States; be and remain an undergraduate student in good standing; plan to complete an undergraduate degree program.

Your application information will be reviewed by the Faculty member(s) managing the REU Site to which you apply in consideration of your candidacy. An additional Evaluator will compile aggregate application information anonymously for general reporting purposes to the National Science Foundation, and may be used in future publications to describe REU applicant pool demographic information anonymously. Any information about your application, including your identity, is completely confidential. All reports or publications will ensure anonymity of the application information. The following steps will be taken to ensure this confidentiality: A unique code will be generated to label your information. The relationship between this code and your identifying information will be kept strictly confidential. When reporting applicant pool information, care will be taken to ensure that no individual's response can be identified. All information will be stored in a secure offline database, with no names associated with the data.

Statement of Fair Treatment and Respect:
The Evaluator is an employee of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, and adheres to professional codes of ethical conduct in research, as outlined by the UNC Charlotte Office of Research Compliance. We want to make sure that you are treated in a fair and respectful manner. If you have any questions about the actual collection of applicant information, confidentiality, and anonymity, please contact Dr. Audrey Rorrer (704-687-8648, Contact the university’s Research Compliance Office (704-687-1831) if you have additional questions.

I have read the information in this consent form. I have had the chance to ask questions about the application information sharing, and those questions have been answered to my satisfaction. My completion of this application form is consent for my information to be anonymously pooled with all REU applicant information.

The University is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. Personal information is used for descriptive purposes only and not in consideration of eligibility.

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Contact Information
Would you like to opt out of participation in the research study? *
First Name *
Middle Name *
Last Name *
Permanent Email Address *
Preferred Contact Email Address *
Current Street Address *
Current City, State, Zip Code *
Permanent Phone Number *
I am a *
My state of residency is *
Initial Interest in REU
How did you hear about the REU program *
Current Education Classification *
Current Major *
Current Minor (if applicable)
Overall GPA *
GPA in Major
Total Number of Credit Hours Earned to Date *
Expected Graduation Month *
from your current program of study
Expected Graduation Year *
from your current program of study
The College/University You Currently Attend *
List All Extracurricular Activities in Undergraduate Education *
List All Academic Awards & Honors *
List Professional & Academic Association Memberships *
Indicate any offices held with dates, and dates of memberships
List All Math, Computing & Technology Related Courses Taken To Date *
indicate year enrolled
List All Programming Languages Known *
Have you had any co-op or internship experience? *
If you have had co-op or internship experience, please describe briefly.
You may paste from your resume.
If selected for the REU program, would you consider continuing your research during the academic year? *
If you have had prior formal REU experience, please describe briefly.
Indicate the institution, dates, and nature of work
Please indicate the number of formal REU experiences that you have applied to PRIOR to this year. *
You were paid a stipend, as in the REU, DREU, McNair, etc.  programs; this is for informational purposes only and not a criterion
Please indicate the number of formal REU experiences that you have applied to or plan to apply to this year. *
You were paid a stipend, as in the REU, DREU, McNair, etc.  programs; this is for informational purposes only and not a criterion
Future Plans
I am considering attending graduate school. *
I want to work in industry after I graduate. *
I want to work in academia after I graduate. *
Have you enrolled in/taken any graduate level courses? *
If you are considering graduate school, what degree are you most interested in pursuing? *
If you are considering graduate school, please list the programs you are considering.
E.g. Computer Science, Bioinformatics, etc.
If you are considering graduate school, please list the institutions you are considering.
E.g. the university names
The information below is for descriptive informational purposes only and is not criteria for eligibility.
Are you the first person in your family to attend college? *
I have an immediate family member involved in research. *
I have other family member involved in research. *
I know adults (other than faculty at my college/university) who are involved in research. *
I have friends who are involved in research. *
When were you first interested in computing/technology? *
Personal Information
This information is used only for descriptive information purposes and is not criteria for eligibility.
Date of Birth *
Please use this format: 11/9/90
Gender *
Ethnicity *
Do you have a documented disability? *
Would you like to have your application considered by  additional CISE REU programs?
This would mean that your application would be shared with school faculty who are seeking students for their CISE REU 2017 programs. This does not automatically commit you to another program, it merely makes your application viewable to other CISE REU programs should you not receive an offer from your first choice.
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